Did you know that you can Build Your Own Baklava?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE to get creative with customers and create specialty flavors for their event or special occasion.
Most people just think that baklava is either walnut or pistachio. Once you step outside that baklava box thinking, a whole world opens up. Anything becomes possible if you can think it up and that applies to creating your own signature baklava.
What needs to happen to do that?
- Pick you nuts: I only need 3 cups of a nut or combination of nuts
- Pick your mix ins: That can be dried fruit, chocolate, flowers, candy or all of the above
- Do you want a jam or curd center layer?
- Pick your syrup: I just need 1.5 C of a liquid to make a syrup. That can be coffee, tea or even BEER! (Whiskey doesn’t work-I have tried!)
That’s really it! Not so intimidating is it when you break it down. Is your mind going in a million directions coming up with possibilities? Yea, I get that.
If you want to do a specialty flavor, let’s get together and plan it out. I need a bit more time to plan it out and gather supplies than one of my regular ones.
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